Video Marketing for SEO

The internet has gone through a lot of changes in the past twenty years.  Starting with primitive messaging functions and websites, the content was then shared in forums and blogs, eventually leading to all the major social media platforms known today.  And what’s interesting is that, as people became more comfortable sharing knowledge and ideas online, the demand for online to be closer to real-life experience has led to a rise in the now most popular form of online communication: video.

It’s in a video that we can evaluate both information and the person giving the information by all the standard forms of assessment we use in the offline world.  We can see their expressions and hear their tone of voice, and we’re more fully impacted by their message if their expertise comes across visually and audibly than we might be by just their writing voice in print.  Some people think making videos is easy, but there’s actually a lot to it. Read on for some great tips to not only have great marketing but to help your videos rise in search engine results!

Intelligent Design

In order to get where you want, you’ve got to start with the result in mind.  What are you hoping to achieve with your marketing? Make a list of those goals.  Some examples might be: 

Take the same approach to video writers have been using forever.  Content should fulfill one of the following purposes:

  • To entertain (stories, anecdotes)

  • To inform (educate, compare/contrast, chronicle)

  • To persuade (testimonials, argument/counterargument)

5 Tips to Take You to the Top

1. Be Phone Worthy

Make sure your content is formatted for people’s mobile devices.  Long-time laptop owners have set aside their computers to do just about everything on their phones.  Get your videos on YouTube to make them easy to use and share. Go above and beyond by lending some production value to your videos by using good lighting, end screens, transcripts, and engaging thumbnails.

2. Choose Your Words

Even in the video, your words matter.  Consider the terms you will use in your video title, description, and tags.  Search engines will use this information to figure out what your video is about and put it in a hierarchy. This even applies to the filename of your video!  Squeeze in those keywords that people would search for. There’s a place for flowery description, but this isn’t it. Use simple language and get the point across.

3. Share (and Share A Like)

A great way to get views on your videos is to share them from one platform to another.  You’ve made a video, great! Get it on YouTube so you can then share it to your other social media platforms.  This makes it shareable for your various audiences. Social media isn’t the only place to include video. Don’t forget about your all important website!  It will add value and engagement to your page. 

4. Consider Audience Attention Span

Are there times for a twenty-minute video?  Yes! But could you also cut that twenty minutes into a four-part video series creating more views as people go from one video to the next?  Yes, again! Experiment and offer variety in the length of your videos. If you don’t want them to change the channel, keep your videos focused and helpful. 

5. Include a Call to Action

People may LOVE your videos, but how crazy is it that they’ll often not show any indication that they liked it.  Encourage them with a call to action to like, comment, and share your post. Maybe they’re lost in thought about the content of the video, or maybe they just don’t have a naturally gracious nature.  Who knows. Prompt them and they’ll be more likely to show their appreciation.

Staying Focused

These tips really should help you increase traffic and interest in your service, but keep a broad perspective and don’t agonize over everything to the point that you stop creating.  The more quality content you create, the better all your content does. So, toss out striving for perfection and replace it with shooting for your best at the moment. Just get it out there and revise as you learn.  Flash and sparkle in presentation will only get you so far if what you’re saying isn’t worthwhile. Follow this formula: 70% focus on content, 30% focus on razzle-dazzle.  

Liam O’Brien

freelance marketer and Squarespace designer

Podcasting for Marketing


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