Podcasting for Marketing

A History of Casting

From broad to pod, casting has always been about getting information out into the world. Starting by radio and then television, now digital content is available for the same purposes: to entertain, to inform, and to persuade. It’s not just Joe Rogan with a podcast anymore; it’s everybody from your next-door neighbor to Conan O’Brien making them. Grandmas now ask questions like: how do podcasters get paid? The stats and growing market for podcasts are fascinating.

Podcasting for marketing can do so much to help you build your brand. It’s another way to give you social proof. Just as we discussed in our video marketing blog post, podcasting has a lot of the same benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why YOU might want to be jumping on the podcast bandwagon.

It’s an efficient use of your time

Huh? But, you’re thinking to yourself, I have to take time out of my day to make a podcast. Yep, you do. But, once you have, how many more clients are going to gravitate towards you from that hour or two versus old-school methods of prospecting like cold calling? (Bonus feature: if they stop listening to your podcast rather than rushing you off the phone, you’re not even going to know!)

It gives you a chance to demonstrate your knowledge

Whether you’re making the episode on your own through a phone app like Anchor or using an actual studio like CAM (Community Access Media) on 12th St. right here in Erie, you can share your expertise while allowing many people at once to hear what you have to say. Being in any industry long enough, one can see the benefit of saying something once and being heard by many, rather than constantly repeating oneself in multiple conversations with individual people.

You can cast a larger net

With the growing popularity of podcasting, you may reach listeners you never anticipated. There might be a population out there that didn’t even know they were interested in you or what you had to say – your content or your personality – because they weren’t aware of your existence. By tapping into the group of people who like podcasts, you may be giving yourself new clients, and you’re definitely creating more awareness.

Liam O’Brien

freelance marketer and Squarespace designer


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